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Insulating a Concrete Foundation Wall

mmtackmier|发布了Energy Efficiency and Durabilityon


I am soon to be building a garage in Wisconsin (Climate Zone 6b). The framing will sit on 4’ frost walls with a 6” slab on the inside. I will be running a radiant heat system in the entire building (37’ x 66’). I am looking for guidance as I choose how to insulate the foundation and slab most efficiently. Here is what I am thinking:

Foundation: 2” of eps on the outside of the foundation wall

Slab: 2 layers of 2” eps (4” total) under slab

I am also considering using either 1” or 2” eps on the outside of all the exterior walls. The exterior walls will be blown in fiberglass along with the attic.

My main question is weather or not I should have the foundation insulation layer on the inside or the outside of the 8” concrete foundation wall? Also is 4” of insulation overkill under the slab?

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  1. GBA Editor
  2. Dick Russell||#2


    With a heated slab, 4" of insulation beneath it certainly is not too much, considering the huge surface area. You could estimate the loss for any thickness of the insulation, using a slab temperature somewhat above inside air temperature and an assumed ground temperature below the insulation. But there is some uncertainty in that ground temperature, and it won't be quite what deep ground temperature is. The ground will be heated to some extent by heat loss to it, and that heat gained will be passed on to the ground further down, according to the thermal conductivity of the soil.

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