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约瑟夫携带|Posted inEnergy Efficiency and Durabilityon

If I have a 9″ wall cavity and place 2″ of poly-iso on the interior side of the sheathing and then fill the rest of the cavity with dense pack cellulose, do I risk condensation on the studs? In other words, will the dew point reach through the poly-iso and into the cellulose part of the cavity along the low r-value studs? I plan to use Intel membrane on the interior to stop as much air exfiltration as possible while allowing some drying to the interior in summer. The space will generally be air conditioned in summer, which should help inward drying.

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  1. 查理·沙利文(Charlie Sullivan)||#1

    My initial answer is that this would not be a good design for the reason you suggest. But you would get better answers with your climate zone or zip code included.

  2. 约瑟夫携带||#2


  3. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#3

    您的墙件组件会起作用 - 但不要期望向内部干燥到2英寸的Polyiso。


  4. 约瑟夫携带||#4

    I am not expecting any drying through the 2" of poly-iso. My thinking is that the back of the sheathing will be protected from outward vapor pressure and will dry to the exterior if the weather gets in. Any condensation from outward vapor pressure, it seems to me, would happen on the studs because of thermal bridging--so the interior edges of the studs could fall below the dew point and cause problems. But maybe that doesn't really happen. It seems to me that what I am doing is not all that different from a flash and batt technique, or a so-called hybrid wall assembly. I have enough impermeable and air tight insulation (I am taping and foaming all seams of the poly-iso) to the exterior to push the dew point out of the cavity at the sheathing and fill the rest with lower cost cellulose. Again, my concern is cold spots on the framing members that project into the cavity past the poly-iso.

  5. Reid Baldwin||#5


  6. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#6

    抱歉 - 我误解了您的问题。我现在意识到您正在谈论使用“剪裁”方法。(我认为。)有关此技术的更多信息,请参阅切割的绝缘材料

    In your climate zone (Zone 5), the method you are contemplating (a combination of exterior rigid foam and air-permeable insulation in walls) will only work if the R-value of the rigid foam makes up at least 27% of the total R-value of the wall. (If you're unaware of this, you might want to read计算刚性泡沫护套的最小厚度。)

    Assuming that your stud depth is a true 9 inches, then your R-11 polyiso represents about 30% of the R-value of your R-37 (nominal) wall -- so you are OK on the issue of moisture accumulation.

    Of course, cut-and-cobble has its own disadvantages, which you can learn about when you read the article on the cut-and-cobble method. In all cases, a continuous layer of exterior rigid foam is preferable to thin strips of rigid foam inserted between your studs.

  7. 查理·沙利文(Charlie Sullivan)||#7

    你的螺柱是什么样的?仅1.5英寸x 9英寸的实木,还是工程木头的梁?还是双层墙?

    马丁说,我连续层绝缘s better. That's both because it avoids the degradation of R-value, and because the thermal bridging will mean that the studs poking through the polyiso will be colder than the polyiso and could possibly have condensation problems. I don't think that's terribly risky, because with the membrane on the inside, you won't have much moisture going in, and any moisture on the studs can diffuse through them and out to the exterior. So it might be OK, but it's non-standard and not 100% bulletproof. Sometimes modeling with the "WUFI" simulation program can give insight on a non-standard configuration like this, but WUFI only does 1D, whereas what you want to understand is the 2D effect of having the studs bridging the polyiso.



  8. 约瑟夫携带||#8

    Yes, "cut and cobble" is what I had in mind. I apologize for my lack of clarity. I will check out the article by that title.


  9. 查理·沙利文(Charlie Sullivan)||#9





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