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John Winkler|发布能源效率和耐用性


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  1. Peter Pfeiffer||#1

    There's 30 years of research reports on this. Start off going to the Florida Solar Energy Center's website. The essence of a radiant barrier is that it EMITS a very small percentage of the heat that it absorbed. This is why you saw foil wrapping on the Lunar Excursion Module that landed on the moon - the foil wrap limited the amount of heat that would escape the spacecraft. Net-net is that RBs reduce solar radiation heating of an attic by about 12% to 25% - roughly equal to adding R-19 of extra insulation to the rood system in the summer, about R-4 in the winter.

  2. 约翰·克林格尔(John Klingel)||#2

    我不说“ nuttin”,因为上次我搞砸了。但是,在这里阅读,看看马丁怎么说。也在这里搜索其他信息。我认为本文提到了NASA参考。


  3. Zac McCormick||#3



  4. John Brooks||#4

    我认为约翰·斯特劳伯(John Straube)很好地解释了为什么“航天器”类比在这里并不相关:

    迈克尔·布拉斯尼克(Michael Blasnik)对休斯顿的房屋进行了一项大型研究,其辐射屏障屋顶护套,报告的年度冷却减少了约180 kWh。

    The Houston Homes had HVAC in uncondtioned attics and Code minumum R-value at the ceiling.
    I believe that HVAC does NOT belong in unconditioned attics ...
    AND that we should be building homes with MUCH more than Code minimum R-values.

    I can't imagine how a Radiant barrier roof sheathing could save energy during the heating season.

  5. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#5

    Radiant barriers work -- they just cost more and are less effective than other methods of insulation. The only application that makes sense (sort of) is to install radiant barrier sheathing during new construction for a house with ductwork in a vented unconditioned attic. (Even better, of course, would be putting the ductwork inside the conditioned envelope of the house, where it belongs.)

    In addition to the link provided by John Klingel --Radiant Barriers: A Solution in Search of a Problem-- and the link to the John Straube podcast provided by John Brooks -- you might also want to read a couple of articles about so-called "insulating" paint:


    An ‘Insulating’ Paint Salesman Is Tripped Up By His Own Product

    (Thanks, John Klingel and John Brooks, for providing the links.)

  6. Robert Hronek||#6


  7. John Winkler||#7

    Thank you all for your answers. My daughter and I ran a simple experiment as we wanted to know if white paint would serve the same purpose as foil? We built 2 model doll houses with detachable roofs, one was regular osb and the other was tech shield. We put them both under a 100 watt light to see what the radiant barrier did. The results were the radiant barrier did as much as the ordinary osb.

    So thank you all again...our experiment says we have all been duped into spending money on something that doesn't work.

  8. 格雷格·布朗||#8

    Radiant barrier on roof sheeting causes more heat in hot climates by trapping it inside the attic for it too be effective it needs to be placed on top of the insulation above the ceiling then it keeps the heat from transfering as quickly to the insulation. Radiant barrier on or below the roof sheeting makes zero sense unless you have complete soffit vents and a roof ridge vent installed the full length of the roof so the air can move between the space between the sheeting and rafters. Then it will keep the attic cooler but again far more effective to put on top of insulation. The issues with dust are not as much of an issue now with using the reflective film vs the aluminum. the film is a ton more reflective and if you want go clean the dust off once a year.

  9. AJ建造者,纽约州北部6a||#9

    格雷格·布朗... Rediculous, no soup for you. The dust is a factor. Who the H*** is going to dust their insulation system annually in their attic. LOL


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