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埃里克·赫特(Eric Hutt)| Posted inMechanicalson

我正在科罗拉多州杜兰戈(Dorango)的5B区建造1300平方英尺的房屋。根据我在线上可以找到的,我们在这里有7000多个供暖天数。我正在建造的房子将拥有真实的(房子是用于热余的外部泡沫)R-30墙壁,稍有R-50天花板。它将被紧密地构造,并测试鼓风机的门。它还将具有一个简单的浴风扇排气系统,可用于空气交换(来自不同级别的三个浴风扇)。这座房子有三个级别:一个450 sg ft的日光地下室,设有2间卧室,浴室和办公室,其居住和厨房空间的550平方英尺级别,在附带的车库上有300平方英尺的第三级,这都是主卧室。由于三个级别,我在供暖源决策方面有些挣扎。我计划在厨房和起居空间上有一个小木炉,但是什么是加热地下室水平和主卧室水平的最有效,最具成本效益的方法不使用,或者业主不在家里烧毁冬天的大火?


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  1. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#1

    Here's an article that may help you:
    Heating a Tight, Well-Insulated House

  2. 埃里克·赫特(Eric Hutt)||#2

    Thanks Martin,

    我读过这篇文章通过几个蒂姆es and the included two pages of comments as well. It was what initially got me very interested in minisplits! The reason I posted a question was because of two factors: My house is essentially a three zone animal, making it harder to heat all of it from a single point source, and it is in a cold area (Durango, CO, zone 5), making the option of minisplits possibly questionable. Just like one of the comments on the article, the Mr Slim hyper heat models (which would cover the cold temps we see here) only come in single zone configurations, not multi zone, making the installation of three of the these units to cover my three zones rather expensive. Local heating contractors just suggest radiant or a hydronic system at $15000 install price tag, which is just not in touch with the whole idea of super insulation. I am very interested in the minisplits, but I am concerned that they might not provide the heat needed for our typical overnight winter temps. If I install a multi zone minisplit system that would be the most economical for three zone installation such as sanyo's multi zone system, they claim to produce heat only down to 4 F, and at a reduced percentage of capacity. I guess what I am asking is if you or anyone knows of any cases where a multizone mini split system has been used with success in a similar climate to Durango, Colorado (~7000 heating degree days) and of course all of the details on its usage: install cost, operating cost, success at low temperatures, etc.


  3. GBA Editor
    马丁·霍拉迪(Martin Holladay)||#3

    Whatever type of heating system you choose, improvements in the home's envelope will lower your energy bills. Choose the best windows you can afford, and strive for a very low level of air leakage.

    Any of the heating systems mentioned in my article will probably work successfully in your house. The choice is yours.

    如果您选择安装多Zone Minisplit热泵系统,则可以随时安装一些廉价的电抗性底板单元,以在罕见的夜晚提供补充热量,当时户外温度下降到-10摄氏度以下。

  4. TJ Elder||#4



  5. 比尔·布拉德伯里(Bill Bradbury)||#5

    I just installed a system in a home like what you describe. We used a used Burnham boiler from a recent boiler upgrade and tied it to the woodstove with an indirect tank as a buffer. This was mated to 2 Runtal flat panel radiators per floor. When they are home, the house is heated with wood and when they need supplemental heat, the 80% efficient cast iron boiler fires. The indirect tank has 2 heat exchangers, one for hydronics and one for solar, the water in the tank is DHW. This is a log home, so I'm not sure what the wall R-values are, but the ceiling is insulated with 8" of foam for about R-56. We are about 8000 HDD.

  6. 詹姆斯·摩根||#6

    We've only used ductless minisplits in single-floor applications and when necessary have had good results with hi-lo stud-space chases to circulate air from room to room using small quiet low-energy fans. Using a similar principle of gentle forced-air circulation independent of the minisplit fan unit, it occurs to me that the natural stack effect in a well-insulated three-story structure might be beneficially exploited with a simple vertical contraflow duct and fan to return warm air to the lowest level to ensure even distribution of conditioned air. An amply-sized straight-shot chase with no elbows would minimize fan load. Thoughts?

  7. 艾伦Gage||#7

    I'm just finished up my own house (will it never end!?) that's similarly sized and insulated. Climate zone 6 for me (NW Iowa). The biggest difference is that mine is all one level (slab on grade). Interior size is about 950 sq. ft.

    10" double stud walls with dense pack cellulose and R-70 attic.



    我能够以大约250美元的价格购买足够的房子(不包括恒温器)。这至少比我正在寻找的迷你切片要低5000美元。$ 5000购买了很多电力。


    就像我说的,我的英国航空公司seboard is only there for a backup for when I leave town for a few days and can't feed the stove. You're situation is a little different. Still something to think about.

    Good luck!


  8. Aj Builder, Upstate NY Zone 6a||#8



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