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根据Slate 's的记录,是房子最近问答后一种没有绝缘可言的老化燃气锅炉。夏季的室内空气湿度很高,每年的取暖费用在4000到5000美元之间。









本文仅对GBA Prime会员开放




  1. Wayne Truax.||# 1

    板岩从密封/绝缘和脱湿化开始。我在弗吉尼亚州在今年3月回到了弗吉尼亚州的一座旧的5000平方英尺,并正在处理很多类似的问题。房子的最古老的部分至少80岁,并加入了4次。这是一家普通商店/纪念品商店/等,也是居住。这所房子有一个俯瞰山谷的迷人观点,你可以看到里程,这就是为什么我们购买它充分了解其问题。房子有一个新的屋顶,搭配煤层和沥青瓦片和新的热泵/带油备份。电费平均每月225-250美元。我所做的第一件事就是尽可能多的空气泄漏。天气剥离和喷雾泡沫。这三套旧的木制双门具有巨大的空白。 The gaps around the ceiling in one room were ½”-1” and we were losing a ton of heat to the uninsulated attic that had both a gable and ridge vent. The old AC window units that did not work were still in the walls and might as well have been and open window, pulled all the units from the wall's, covered with plywood, and insulated the wall between the plywood coverings with Rockwool. I did all this in the first two weeks and that fixed a lot of the air leaks and improved the comfort in the house. The heat pump stopping running constantly as well I bought a $400 FLIR Thermal Imager and looked for more leaks and identified the worst spots and was happy to find areas that were much better than I thought without doing demo. I insulated the attic with blown in R60 cellulose after I fixed gaps and electrical issues that would be covered by the insulation. The blown in insulation was worth every penny and changed the comfort level in the area below the attic. The humidity in the house was an issue as I had both a dirt crawl space under one part of the house and basement in the other. In the basement area I put a whole house Ultra Air 120 pint dehumidifier and tied it into the house duct work. I used the 6” fresh air duct option to dehumidify the basement while the other ducts took care of the house. The house humidity went from 70% to 40-45% and is much more comfortable. I now run the AC at 77 instead of 72. Without going into a ton of details here is the site that explains it Installing a Whole-House Dehumidifier the Right Way | PV Heating & Air ( I know this has been covered by Fine Home Building and Green Building advisor. For the crawl space I installed an AloAir 90 pint dehumidifier with a built in pump. Hung it from the joist with their pulley system and added the remote reader. Crawl space went from 85% humidity to 60% humidity and that is without encapsulation, just sealed all the vents and gaps. I will be insulating the crawlspace and basement walls with rigid foam and doing all the necessary sealing and insulating for the rim joists and other areas that need attention. More insulation is planned for the knee wall areas on the second floor after I complete some other work and make sure all the duct work is sealed before burying it in R-60 cellulose. I did like you and added some window units to offset cooling on the really hot days until I have a final solution on the number of mini split units that are needed once all the insulation is done. The investment in the window units was money well spent. It solves a problem for the short term, and they are easily passed on to others who need cooling. In closing I will be adding solar to the house this fall to cover 100% of my electric use including charging my Nissan Leaf and future electric vehicles. Hope this helps.

  2. 伊丽莎白杜宾||#2




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