关于热水循环:远程热水器导致浪费热水循环系统使用水泵将热水从热水器循环到水龙头,从而将热水的等待时间几乎减少到零。所有热水循环系统都节约用水。但并不是所有的系统都能节约能源;一些系统实际上会导致更高的能源账单。选择按需系统。有三种类型的热水循环系统:热虹吸系统,时间和温度系统,和按需系统。按需系统在绿色家庭中最有意义,因为热水只有在需要时才被泵送到使用点,从而最大限度地减少备用损失。它们可以被手动或无线遥控或运动探测器激活。当管道正在粗加工时,添加这样一个系统是不贵的,并且可以负担得起对现有的管道系统进行改造。作为一种改造安装,按需系统使用现有的冷水管道作为回水,并借助于一个特殊的阀门。 Time and temperature systems. Hot water is circulated automatically to anticipate demand with the help of a timer and thermostat. An override allows homeowners to activate the pump at non-scheduled times. While time and temperature systems cut waiting time, they increase standby heat losses. Hot water lines are essentially turned into extensions of the hot water storage tank. They save water but increase net energy use. Thermosyphon systems. These work only in a home with a tank-type water heater located below the hot water taps — for example, in a basement. A continuous piping loop is installed between the water heater and the fixtures, with a return line coming back to the heater after the farthest fixture is served. Because the returning water is cooler than the water in the top of the water heater, a thermosyphon…
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