
_本播播系列摘要从joe lstiburek博士和建筑科学公司的Johe Lstiburek和John Straube博士教授的“建筑科学基础”课程中摘要。
所以基本上如果潮湿的空气接触,将发生冷表面冷凝。并且一个空中障碍是阻止潮湿空气从进入冷表面的一种方式,因为在寒冷天气的任何建筑物中,你都会有一个冷表面。包层,外护套 - 以及室内空气可以接触该包层或护套,可能发生冷凝。所以我们在安装空中屏障时要做什么是防止冷表面与潮湿的空气有关。
如果您想了解心理核测量学,您实际上只需要三行。您需要知道垂直轴是水分含量。单位并不重要;我们可以在一整束方面测量它们;但这是空气含水量。它在每立方院盎司中的盎司水中衡量的东西 - 很少,因为这实际上对大多数人来说都有一些身体意义。而如果他们甚至是人类的一部分,那么它是什么可以使用的机械工程师,他们喜欢使用英寸的汞,或每磅空气的水分谷物。那么10粒水分多少钱?一磅空气真的是多少?我们对我们大多数人都是完全毫无意义的物理单位。 And so everyone blanks out and doesn’t understand because they’re not given real units. But actually the good news is that you don’t even have to care what the units are—for most of the work. On the bottom I have temperature, which is obviously important, and the third thing that matters is the maximum moisture content that air can have as a function of temperature. As we go from 90 degrees down to 20 degrees, the amount of moisture that can be stored in the air changes by about an order of magnitude—a factor of 10. That’s a big change. So this is like a gas tank that shrinks, as the temperature gets colder. So when it’s hot you can store a lot in this tank, but when it’s cold you can’t store much at all. And if you were to have a large gas tank filled with gas and you shrunk it, eventually, you’d fill up and spill over. And that’s condensation.
现在,如果空气完全饱和,完全满满,他们称之为饱和空气。它们还具有这些整洁的术语,如果它的半满空气是相对湿度的50%。如果它是一个季度,他们称为25%。如果它是三个季度满,则为75%。对?这就是这意味着什么,这是多么充实。只有50%的相对湿度或75%的相对湿度并不告诉我空中有多少水分,它只告诉我我最近的近距离。因此,如果我想知道空气中的实际水分是什么,我需要知道温度和相对湿度。如果我把这两个件汇集在一起 - 温度,相对湿度 - 那么我就可以跨越并弄清楚我在该空气中有多少水分。
理解这个图表的另一个重要方面是这里是堪萨斯州典型的冬季条件,或在明尼阿波利斯,或波士顿:它在冻结外 - 30度,32度;而且它正在下雪。而且因为它正在下雪,这意味着户外的相对湿度为100%。如果你长时间洒在空气中,它完全饱和。对?这就是它的工作原理。所以,如果我拿走那个空气,我加热它并将它带入建筑物,就像我想在寒冷的日子里那样做,它高达72度 - 空气中的水分量完全相同。我所做的就是加热它。我没有添加任何水分;我只是加热它。 But because the storage capacity of the air has increased with temperature, the relative humidity drops. And we can get down to under 25% relative humidity. But, we don’t just leave it there. Most of us do stuff like: breathe; and produce moisture and sweat; some people actually boil cabbage, and spaghetti; and vent their clothes dryers into their homes to save energy; or dry a cord of freshly cut lumber in the basement of their house—which means all that moisture is being dumped in; or grow pharmaceutical plants in one of the bedrooms under lights; and all of that generates moisture. And, therefore, as we add moisture, the relative humidity rises. And the absolute moisture content rises as well. Both relative and absolute humidity move.
嗯,它很重要,现在是那么空气泄漏了建筑物,它通过了建筑物外壳,如果看到表面更冷,在这个例子中可以达到53度,它将达到其储存水分的全部能力,之后会随之而来。因此,如果包层在约30度大约30度的地方,以及室外空气温度,空气,如果它是接触外侧护套,就会放弃所有这种水分,即它在出路上,它会将其倾倒在冷鞘表面上。因此,这是我们试图避免的典型空气泄漏凝结循环。绝对是直截了当的。顺便说一下,通过蒸气屏障无关。它与蒸气扩散无关。它必须用一包空气的空气 - 我实际服用,我将它推过墙壁上的洞,它变得很酷。只要它变得很酷,它会遵循这个图表。 So how can I avoid it getting cool and condensing? Well one thing is I can shoot it through that hole so fast that it goes outside before it cools down. And then we see fog coming out. That’s what we see when we have a natural gas furnace or something like that. They fire that stuff out and you see this fog forming in the air next to it. Well when you breathe on a cold winter pretty day, you’re producing humid air, and it right away fogs up. If on the other hand, you take your woolen mitts and blow the air slowly into them, it’ll condense on the inside and it’ll be a really yucky stinky mitt, because it will have all my fog in it. Right? So that’s what I used to do to my sisters, I used to blow into their wool en mitts—see I learned that about building science when I was about 6, and I learned the whole air leakage condensation thing.
那么我们中有多少人在夏季血统中的86度和75%湿度的地方工作?我的意思是我当然在多伦多做。布法罗,明尼阿波利斯 - 基本上规则是密西西比州以东的任何东西,你应该期望在75度高于75度和75%的相对湿度上有很多小时。如果你在那个区域进一步南方,你夏天不仅仅是500个小时;在海湾沿岸,每年有3000个小时。你知道,一年中的三分之一就在那些条件之上。So if you are actually going to have an exhaust fan in one of those hotels Joe described, and build it in Galveston Texas, you’re truly screwed, because all that air leaking in is going to condense on all the air conditioned surfaces it can see. Now hopefully the only air you draw in goes through your air conditioner because then the first cold surfaces it sees are the coils on your air conditioner, and that condenses the moisture off where you have control. But if it leaks in through the wall or through the roof or in that entrance canopy on the hospital, that’s not good.
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