热旁路清单包(50 +细节)。
我们在阁楼上;楼下有一间厨房,比楼上的所有橱柜都要高。当我们来到这里的时候,我们在寻找阁楼上最大的洞之一,也就是顶楼上方的区域。干墙通常不会在吊顶装框之前应用到天花板上,它最终会成为一个大漏洞。这个很容易找到,因为我已经能看到天花板搁栅之间的绝缘材料。当我拉出绝缘,我揭开了下面的拱腹腔。在洞里有一个凹槽灯罐(不是空气密封的),一个天花板或接线盒,在这个管道的底部也有一个缺口。在后面有洞是向下和进入墙腔之间的螺柱和相邻的墙。有很多地方空气都漏进了底部。这一点可以从绝缘上看出来。 If you look closely at the insulation, you can see a lot of fine dust that has collected along the sides as the air has leaked through over time. This is one of the biggest air leaks, therefore it’s one we want to ignore. The easiest way to deal with this is to use some sort of rigid panel. There are a couple of choices. One would be a piece of rigid insulation, which is what I prefer because it gives you insulation value as well as it’s lightweight and…
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