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Green Building Curmudgeon

On Homes and Cars and Jets and Supermarkets

We build and remodel homes like we are shopping for dinner without knowing what we are planning to cook – neither one is a good idea.



We build like we shop, but worse

Unfortunately, homes are rarely given the attention they deserve in either the design or construction process. We build and remodel them like we’re shopping for dinner without knowing what we are planning to cook. Walking down the aisles of the supermarket (or, in this case, maybe The Home Depot, Lowe’s, or the local lumberyard), we throw the different things we want in our basket. We pick a style, regardless of whether or not it is appropriate for our climate, then we add in some features like a garden tub or a skylight. Finally, we wrap it up with the finishes—tile, carpet, cabinets, floors, and maybe some fancy hardware.

A defective process


With much of home building and renovation reduced to a commodity sold for the lowest price, there is little incentive or time available for quality control during the process. Careful details that add to the efficiency and durability of the structure, even if they were considered at the design stage, are rarely inspected and, more often than not, are installed incorrectly.



Homes are sophisticated machines

We need to start treating our buildings like the sophisticated machines that they are. Trained, experienced professionals from all disciplines must be involved throughout the process. Assumptions must be questioned and issues resolved through the design phase instead of leaving critical details for the last (and often least-skilled) person to figure out. If we built and maintained our jets, cars, or appliances like we build houses, they would not work efficiently; heck, they probably wouldn’t work at all.


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