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Best Practices

Testing Construction Tapes, Part 2


A strong bond between HydroFlash tape and a plywood surface

在一个previous post,我写了有关建筑磁带的寒冷天气应用。一些磁带的性能很好,但我期望的结果比大多数产品中获得的结果更好。这些磁带中的许多并不便宜,有些胶带价格昂贵。我决定进行第二次测试,以查看磁带在温度更中的温度(68°F)下粘合的效果。回想起来,我应该首先进行此测试,以作为磁带在平均值而不是极端条件下的表现良好的规格。接下来是我的发现。

在此测试中,我使用了冷 - 温度测试中表现出色的产品:Siga的Wigluv,3M的8067和Zip的闪光胶带。我还测试了Protecto包装Super Stick及其橡胶沥青BT25XT(在冷温测试中表现最差)。I included Pro Clima’s Tescon Vanna (I was contacted by 475 Supply, the supplier of Pro Clima’s products in North America, after they read my post about cold-temperature testing, and they informed me there is another version of the Tescon Vanna tape designed for cold-weather applications), Benjamin Obdyke’s HydroFlash and UV tape, and Barricade’s Ulti Flashing tape.



这个视频告诉我删除在中等温度下施加的磁带。这是the videoof me pulling off the tapes when both the product and the surface were cold during application.

All the tapes performed much differently under warmer conditions. Three tapes I felt performed much better this time: Pro Clima’s Tescon Vanna and both Benjamin Obdyke products—especially the HydroFlash. (The lead image of this post shows the adhesion between the HydroFlash and plywood surface.) Although the Protecto Wrap BT25XT stuck this time, it still pulled off easily. Tip: if you’re using Protecto Wrap, use the Super Stick. The Barricade tape stuck better in moderate temperatures, but nowhere near as well as some of the others.

显然,当温度适中时,还有更多选择。我认为,两组条件下最好的磁带是Siga的Wigluv,但Pro Clima和Benjamin Obdyke的Hydroflash的表现也非常出色。3M的8067或拉链胶带也不会出错。

Samples of air-sealing tapes on plywood

This test led to another question: Does the bond improve if the tape is applied in cold temperatures that then warm up?

最后一个测试,我冷胶合板子strate and various tapes by moving them outside. The outdoor temperature was a little colder than I wanted, right around 0°F, but they all stuck to the surface of the plywood. Then I rolled the tapes and left them outside overnight where they experienced temps below 0°F. In the morning, I brought the test board inside where it warmed to room temperature. I didn’t pull off the tapes for a few days to allow them to achieve a full bond.

Did the tapes stick better after they were warmed? Yep, most of them were hard to pull off; a few that I did manage to pull off I destroyed in the process. (Note that I misspoke in这个视频测试;当它实际上是Protecto包装时,我称其为银色的胶带clima。)

I was a little disappointed in the Zip tape. It was not difficult to remove, although to be fair, that tape is designed to work best with Zip sheathing. The other tape that pulled off easily was the Baricade Ulti Flash. The Baricade and Protecto Wrap Super Stick were the only butyl tapes tested this time.


This series of tape tests came about because of a failure in a taping application during cold weather. I’ve come to the conclusion that the failure was the result of two combined factors: 1. cold temperatures during application, and 2. the nature of the taped surface, which was a WRB that did not have a solid surface behind it so it moved during wind events, affecting the tape’s ability to bond. The uncommon nature of the assembly together with the cold-temperature application caused the failures.



兰迪·威廉姆斯is a builder and energy rater based in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. Photos courtesy of the author.


  1. 专家成员
    马尔科姆·泰勒(Malcolm Taylor)||#1


    Thanks. This is very reassuring.

  2. virtus||#2


    No criticism by any means, but in order to be truly conclusive, one would have to test multiple samples in a controlled environment and look for repeatability. Interesting none the less.

    1. 北部建筑||#3


  3. 雅克||#4

    While a small sample size, I do enjoy these "wing nut" tests. Thanks for documenting this.

  4. 查尔斯3||#5


    1. 北部建筑||#6





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