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能源成本是一个关键因素。从20世纪70年代能源危机开始的被动式太阳能设计热潮,随着燃料价格的下降而告终。我们失去了建造更节能、供暖和制冷更便宜的房屋的强大动力。节能房屋的建设被推到了一边,被遗忘了。但现在能源价格已经回升,我们对化石燃料的外国供应已经变得多么脆弱有了更好的理解。全球气候变化是另一个因素。融化的冰川,消失的北极冰,干旱和猛烈的风暴——我们都读到过,我们中的许多人都亲身经历过。研究人员至少将其中一些现象归因于温室气体的逐渐增加,这导致地球变暖。房屋是气候变化方程式的一部分,因为它们消耗大量的能源。所以当科学家谈论我们的“碳足迹”时,我们现在有了我们所做的和我们周围的世界之间的直接联系。 We know more about how houses work than we used to. Building scientists who study the mechanics of why houses behave the way they do have helped promote designs that are more durable, more comfortable and healthier than conventional houses. This increased technical prowess has made it possible to apply sensible building practices to all kinds of architectural styles. Finally, the time was right for a shift in thinking. Just as Sarah Susanka struck a nerve with her “Not So Big” approach to residential design, proponents of sustainable building have made their case at just the right time. Homebuyers are apparently ready for a change, and the building industry is ready to follow. The fact that green-built houses last longer, have fewer problems, are cheaper to live in and keep their owners more comfortable—well, that doesn’t hurt.






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