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年代ustainable materials such as strawboard paneling and FSC-certified birch stair treads cover the interior of the home. The tiled floor covers a concrete slab with hydronic radiant heat.
Rustic stone steps lead right down to the seaside.
Unlike roof mounted collectors, the ground-mounted hot-water solar collectors don't put any extra burden on the building envelope. They are also more convenient to maintain.
在“典型”线上: 83,956 kBtu/year. But coastal Nova Scotia is hardly a typical location - when compared to local energy consumption, this is a respectable achievement. A number of strategies push this home toward energy independence. In warmer months, operable windows allow cooling ocean breezes to pass through the home’s open spaces. Expansive walls of glass let in light year round. An active solar thermal system provides domestic hot water and warms the radiant slab when heat is called for.


Perched on a coastal peninsula near Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, this contemporary home is used mostly as a summer residence, but with a design that includes active and passive solar heat, a high-thermal-mass radiant slab floor, and thorough air sealing and insulation, it’s a nice place to be in any season.

Year-round comfort
Owners John and Rosemary wanted to create an environmentally responsible home that could some day run completely off the grid. The six solar hot-water collectors push the house toward energy independence, but the extreme North Atlantic conditions warranted adding a supplemental gas-fired boiler for winter heat. A heat-recovery ventilator brings fresh air into this super-tight home without bringing in the cold.


Natural resources used wisely
The metal roofing does more than keep the weather out. It directs rain into a 4,000-gallon cistern, for both domestic water and irrigation. So far, the cistern has been the sole water provider, although the home does have a backup well. FSC-certified birch stairs, interior paneling of renewable strawboard, and the engineered lumber used for all structural spans add up to a home that was frugal with resources from the start.

This was the first time John and Rosemary built a home, and it was also their first experience with sustainable design. It went so well that they recently incorporated similar principles into the renovation of their 1850s home in England.


In a perfect world we would use the best techniques and choose the best site and every building would perform to its optimal level. Unfortunately, needs, wants, and available resources don't usually make best-case scenarios practical. Magnificent ocean views mean an exposed site with no natural shelter from the North Atlantic winds.

利用这些观点要求北侧有大量的窗户,进一步复杂化了绝缘绝缘的房屋。Salterre Design将其激情和专业知识应用于充满挑战的局面,并为约翰和迷迭香的喜悦,创造了耐用,舒适,节能的家。

General Specs and Team

地点: 第二个半岛(靠近鲁登堡),ns
卧室: 4
Bathrooms: 2.5
居住空间: 2780

Builder:Norman Whynot, Kinburn Properties
Architect/Designer:年代olterre Design
Engineer:Weyerhauser (truss system), Nu Air Ventilation (enerboss and HRV design)


Walls:2x6; fiberglass insulation and 1-1/2-in. rigid XPS insulation sheathing (R-26); 5/8-in. gypsum board for additional thermal mass
视窗:双层玻璃,低e,氩气;SHGC = 0.41,U = 0.32,R-3.13(Marvin)


  • 被动太阳热量
  • 板坯提供热质量
  • 太阳能国内热水和氢气辐射热
  • 窗口布局提供丰富的日光


Heating/cooling:主地板辐射热落地板级;二楼的水力散热器;甘醇充满了100加仑储罐的太阳能集热器;燃气按需锅炉(17,000-140,000 BTU,Takagi);被动冷却
水加热:same as space heat
年能使用:84 mmbtu.


  • 金属屋顶的雨水收集到4,000-gal。蓄水池挖得良好
  • Low-flow toilets
  • 低流量水龙头


  • 低VOC涂料
  • Prefinished hardwood flooring
  • Whole-house ventilation with HRV
  • Detached garage
  • Formaldehyde-free composite wood products


  • 可再生的草板用作室内墙面
  • 上层局部硬木地板
  • Engineered wood for all spanning members
  • FSC固体桦木踏上开放式楼梯系统


  1. 理查德先生||#1

    NS Getaway...

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