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鼓风机 - 门导向空气密封








John Jennings,Steven Winter Associates:好吧,如果别的什么,我们将能够评估房子现在正在执行。在我们这里的计划下,这是家庭能源解决方案计划 - 由United Illuminity和Connecticut轻型和电力赞助。我相信康涅狄格州光线和力量是你的实用程序吗?


J:所以,我们在这里出来首先评估房子的一些事情。我们将要做的第一件事是 - 你在这里看到它 - 一个鼓风机门。这是一个大型粉丝,可以加压建筑物,仿佛你吹过一个大气球,或减压它,使其从外部裂缝拉出空气,它穿过风扇。仪表在这里衡量空气是多少,所以我们可以了解房子的紧张程度或多么漏水。如果房子足够紧,我们会告诉你,我们不会进一步走。但如果我们发现房子需要收紧并使房屋更加节能,风扇不仅仅衡量房屋的泄漏;它让我们能够解决,找到这些泄漏的地方。当我们第一次进入阁楼 - 这是我们想要击中的第一个地方 - 我们密封的区域是顶板,内墙和外墙。在阁楼中的实际板可以暴露,并且在两侧遇到的板衣口时,通常可以泡沫和任何电线,我们可以泡沫。


J:确切地。甚至是一些小孩。我们能够测试房子的整个壳牌。一旦我们发现泄漏,我们的船员实际上将通过不同类型的颗粒和不同类型的泡沫来密封这些泄漏。一旦我们完成,我们再次进行测试。我们始终在我们做任何事情之前测试我们的方式并测试我们的方式,以了解房子在做任何事情之前表演,然后了解我们的成功以及确保我们没有做错任何事或伤害房子。我们试图阻止堆栈效果,这是从房屋底部进入的堆栈效果 - 通过基础,通常 - 然后像烟囱一样推动并试图走出去。






John Jennings,Steven Winter Associates:所以这所房子的整个背部似乎是一个两层楼的殖民地。



D:好吧,它会从后面迈出 - 但我们在4英尺,所以我们会把这个墙壁移出,我们会把它移到倾斜。我们可能会在另一端做同样的事情。我的热封应该在哪里?

J:嗯,这要看情况,我们先从屋顶开始吧。你有几个选择。一种是有屋顶的公寓。石膏应该在这里,再往上几英寸,或者一英尺左右,我们就有了屋顶线。所以,你要让它在你想要的地方停止加热。在那种情况下,应该是石膏板。另一件需要考虑的事情是让小屋沿着屋顶,这样有点像教堂。这样你就可以有各种不同类型的绝缘材料。一个是标准的绝缘;它可以吹,它可以湿喷纤维素,它可以是玻璃纤维-确保安装正确,确保有一个良好的空气屏障和/或蒸汽屏障。 And just follow the roof, what they call a hot roof. So, basically you have your Sheetrock, then your insulation 6 to 8 inches thick or more, and then you have your roof; there’s no air space. In those situations, as long as you follow code, there’s no need for typical attic ventilation like soffit vents and a ridge vent, because there’s no cavity to ventilate. It’s full insulation.










好的,我们现在正在做的是检查墙壁绝缘。我们只是在外面的墙壁上钻一个小洞,然后我们没有比电线衣架更基本的东西;它在另一边有一个钩子。我们将戴上衣架,我们扭动以找到绝缘。所以,就像我们怀疑一样。我们知道它是笨拙的原因是因为我们通过探头,我们可以感觉到内部最靠近山羊的牛皮纸。我们一路走出去,所以我们可以把它带回来,然后我们只是衡量这个:这是一个4英寸的腔。现在我们知道腔的深度是多么深,然后 - 只是让这一点更大 - 我们在这里得到我们的钩子。这使我们能够拉出保温,所以我们可以向房主向房主展示。所以现在我们知道它不满,因为当我们扭曲外套衣架时,我们可以觉得它在终于发现抵抗力的地方,这意味着它发现玻璃纤维。 Then the hook will actually pull the insulation out so we can see if it’s fiberglass, rock wool, mineral wool. It’s not a fiberglass, although it’s a spun wool; it’s either a rock wool or a mineral wool batt. So, nothing more than a wire probe and a drill bit will get you a lot of information.


John Jennings,Steven Winter Associates:好的,那么你是如何使用这个空间的?






J:Well, that’s actually a good point, and it’s not a black-and-white answer because sometimes people have workshops that have absolutely no heat, so that would still mean that if it’s not warm down here, your thermal boundary would still be what is currently the garage ceiling. This is unconditioned space; it might be used, but it’s still unconditioned. Now, in your boiler room, the boiler’s giving off heat, so there’s no reason to separate that area because the standby loss is heating that basement or keeping it mild in temperature. So, the thermal boundary in your basement is really the perimeter and the walls. Since the walls are primarily below grade, I would be concerned about the rim joist or the band joist, making sure it’s both tight and well insulated. Fiberglass is an easy way to do it, and the two-part foam is a very good way of sealing that band joist because it’s kind of in a tight area. Regular foam may not get in there. Now, for out here, if this were mild in temperature in the winter—and by that I mean 60 degrees or warmer—I would not worry about this being the thermal boundary. Again, just like the basement, I would treat the band. And you could insulate the walls, but any of the walls that are below grade aren’t going to have much air infiltration getting through them. Insulating above—these walls are so thick—may not be that cost effective. And if you’re only keeping it 60, it’s good, because the floors aren’t too warm. But really, the difference between a 60-degree room and a 40-degree outside temperature—there’s not a lot of savings there; you’re not losing a lot. The other thing is, with this stone wall, if you use regular insulation, meaning fiberglass, and it touches it, you can draw moisture out of it, and it can get wet. Now, the fiberglass won’t get destroyed, but it will get soggy and lose its R-value. And then it can transfer the moisture to whatever your wall surface is. You could end up with some mold, so treating these walls is something that’s a little different. I don’t think it would be very cost-effective, but whatever you do, I’d make sure that if there were any insulation that touched it, it’s the type that wouldn’t be hurt by any moisture migration.






J:我自己喜欢法国人,而不是从能量的角度来看,但他们打开整个开放,在那里滑倒 - 你一次只有一半的开放。






丹尼尔·莫里森,GreenBuildingAdvisor.com所以,我在这里打电话给你,因为我想要关于使我的房子超级节能的建议,我期待你告诉我这是第一个开始的地方:锅炉被送入房子在中间建造时 -20世纪50年代。但是你不认为这真的是我最爆炸的地方的地方?

John Jennings,Steven Winter Associates:嗯,这是一款精心制作的锅炉。一些锅炉只会持续20年;这取决于保修。我已经看到从煤炭转换的锅炉 - 80岁 - 他们仍然正常工作。没有高效,但他们正常工作。很多,这是由于锅炉和燃烧器的组合。虽然锅炉是原创的,你的燃烧器是一个高速火焰保留头燃烧器,而且那些比原来的壳牌头更有效,因为基本上它确实将油较快地将油部打成喷雾剂。石油实际上分解并雾化,因此您可以更有效地利用燃料。当旧燃烧器所做的那样,他们也远离烟尘。你有这个设备的事实 - 即使这是较旧的,那么有更新的系统 - 如果你留下来,你可能会在低至80年代中期的某处效率。 The brand-new ones are still working between 82% and 85%, which is good. The newer gas systems or some of the other efficient systems may actually be in the 90s, so they’re a little bit more efficient; but as long as you’re in the mid-80s, you’re doing pretty good. The thing is that this boiler is not one of the larger antiquated boilers, so it doesn’t have a lot of mass. Just replacing it may cost you a few thousand dollars, number one, and how much it saves is probably not going to be as much as you’d expect. It could be somewhere around 10% to 15 %; without someone evaluating that and testing a little more closely, you’re not sure. Other folks want to replace them simply because they’re old and they don’t know when they’re going to break. That happens with any old system, whether you say 15 or 20 years old—once it reaches that stage, it’s hard to say when it might fail, and that you have to replace it. It’s not something you’d like to do, but it’s a necessity because it’s leaking. As long as you have this cleaned on a regular basis, at least once a year, and let your technician take a look at it, you should be in good shape for a while. But, if you called me in 10 years and told me it was still working at the same efficiency, it wouldn’t shock me. And if you called me in 10 days and told me it developed a leak or it died, that wouldn’t surprise me either. So, it’s hard for me to say how much longer it will last. The interesting thing is your domestic hot water also comes from the boiler; it’s called a tankless system, and it’s not the most efficient way to get hot water. Some people will put in a separate water tank, either for storage or just a separate system that works on its own, simply because they don’t get enough hot water. But, in our conversations earlier, you mentioned how you’re getting enough hot water.


J:So, comfort’s not an issue, and replacing it could cost you—if you had a regular standard gas tank—anywhere from $500, to a special foam-insulated tank that’s called a storage tank or an indirect-fired water heater—those cost anywhere from a thousand to $1200 or $1500, depending on the plumbing; I can’t say exactly. The tank is pretty much like a Thermos bottle. The boiler still heats the water, but it dumps it into this superinsulated tank, and it only loses about a degree or two degrees for every hour that it’s holding the water. So, if you leave and you didn’t use hot water, the boiler’s not going to come on to replenish that water, because it stays hot for eight to 10 hours.






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