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Energy Solutions


Drying clothes indoors accounts for approximately 6% if all household electricity in the U.S.
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上周, we took a look at how to save energy and water with clothes washing. This week we’ll turn our attention to drying, which accounts for approximately 6% of all household electricity consumption in the U.S.


When we traded in our older, entry-level Frigidaire H-axis on a newWhirlpool Duet mode, the difference in water removal was dramatic. It seemed that the clothes came out of the washer only damp, cutting the drying time nearly in half. Moisture is removed so effectively because our new washer has a maximum spin speed of 1,100 revolutions per minute (rpm) vs.–I think–700 rpm for our old Frigidaire. (Newer and higher-end Frigidaire washers have significantly faster spin speeds.)

The German companyMiele在美国卖洗衣机旋转加速1,600 rpm, and I’ve read online testimonials claiming drying times of 15-20 minutes when using these models. And I just learned that the Slovenian companyGorenjemakes clothes washers with spin speeds up to 2,000 rpm, though these products are not sold in the U.S. (yet).


Then install, operate, and maintain the dryer properly. Make sure that the venting line is as short and straight as possible to avoid restricting airflow. To save energy during operation, keep the lint filter clean, avoid overloading, and wash similar clothes together (because some fabrics dry more quickly than others). If you take out clothes before they are 100% dry and hang them up, you’ll save a bit on drying and reduce the need for ironing—another energy use associated with laundry.

For the most energy-efficient clothes drying, the solution is to use a clothesline instead of a dryer. There are a number of reasons people don’t hang laundry outdoors: too little time, inclement weather, preference for softer clothes that have been tumble-dried, soiling from pollution (including outdoor wood boilers) or sap dripping from trees, prohibitions against hanging laundry outdoors in some places, and simple laziness. Some of these certainly apply to me—mostly in the inclement weather and laziness areas!

Years ago I gained a lot of experience with clothesline drying. It surprises many people to learn that clothes will dry outdoors even in very cold weather. The clothes freeze, but then the frozen water evaporates through the process of “sublimation” (direct conversion of solid to gas, without first going through a liquid phase).

Hanging laundry on a clothesline increases the life of your clothes. Every time you empty the lint filter in a dryer, that lint you’re taking out represents a shortened life of the clothes that were just dried.

Hanging laundry indoors can help humidify the indoor air. Leaky houses in cold climates get very dry in the winter because the outdoor air leaking in hold very little moisture. Evaporating moisture from clothes introduces humidity without also putting fine mineral particles into the air (as happens with low-cost humidifiers). Note that I do not recommend venting an automatic dryer into a home.

Don’t even think about venting a gas dryer indoors, because doing so would introduce combustion gases. But even an electric dryer should not be vented indoors, because the airborne fibers from the clothes can cause respiratory irritation.

不幸的是,博士ying clothes outdoors is illegal in many places. According toan article last month in the New York Times, about 60 million people in the U.S. live in private communities, and a majority of these prohibit outdoor clothes drying. At least four states (Vermont, Maine, Colorado, and Hawaii) have overridden those prohibitions in the past year with laws that protect residents’ rights to hang clothes outdoors. Florida and Utah already had such laws, and similar measures are being considered in Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and Oregon. The “right to dry” movement is clearly growing nationally.

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  1. 约翰·塞梅尔哈克(John Semmelhack)||#1

    In a tight, well insulated home, condensing dryers are the way to go if you insist on heated drying. They use "just a smidge" more electricity than standard vented dryers, but since there's no vent, they eliminate the energy penalty for the unconditioned air that's brought in to balance exhaust out through the dryer duct. On the smaller side, get rid of the vent and you are also eliminating a 4" hole in your wall insulation. If you stack the dryer on top of a washer, you won't even need a separate drain!

    Here's a link to one from Bosch at about $1,000:。I think Asko and Miele also sell these in the U.S.

  2. Michael Chandler||#2

    Condensing dryers



  3. Doug||#3

    At best, only good in heating-dominated climate
    John's point is pretty sensible. But, I know of two quick caveats already.
    We put in two Asko condensing dryers nearly ten years ago. When they run, they noticeably warm up the room they're in, and hardly any condensate accumulates in the little removable container you're supposed to dump after every few loads. It seems clear that for these models, most of the moisture is put out into the room around the dryer.
    During our air-conditioning season, this caused many a complaint. By the time you ran a couple of loads, the laundry area was very hot & humid.
    In a normal (not superinsulated) house in the heating season, the extra heat and humidity would be welcome, but not most of the year in many climates.
    Hopefully there are units out there that work better now, but I'd be cautious with these in any house that has a cooling season or is well-sealed.

  4. Walter Yu,P.E。,Leed AP||#4

    Hanging Laundry Works
    Great article, I enjoyed your overview of how which washer/dryer designs work best. At home, I use a small drying rack that fits a moderate size load of laundry - I live in an apartment with no patio or yard, so it's been very effective at drying clothes without worrying about the weather outside (which isn't that bad here in the SF Bay Area).

  5. 约翰·塞梅尔哈克(John Semmelhack)||#5

    I don't have


    I don't have personal experience with condensing dryers, though millions of people in Europe and Asia do. I would think that any major bugs in the Bosch (and other) systems would be worked out by now...they've been making them for other markets for 10+ years. I spoke with a client recently who has had a Bosch unit for the past 3-4 years, and he's very happy with it....reasonable cycle times, no maintenance issues.

    Regarding Doug's comment on condensate, all the newer models that I know of have a condensate drain (no holding tank). In a stacked laundry situation, you should be able to drain the condensate via the same drain that the washing machine uses.

  6. Chris Sonne, PE, LEED AP||#6

    Love Line Drying!!
    I live in the Blue Ridge Mountains in central Virginia, and we installed a folding clothesline 1-1/2 years ago. We use it most of the year and have noticed a significant drop (about 15 - 20%) in our electricity usage as a result. We now are line drying on racks indoors during cold and rainy periods. Our clothes now have a wonderful fresh smell and our electric bill has not exceeded $100/month since we put in the clothesline (we actually got our bill down to $65 in September!).


  7. Kevin O'meara||#7

    Another option is a clothes centrifuge which spin up to 3200 rpm, have extra advantage that they dont bake in the remeining soap and dirt residues during they drying process so clothes are actually a bit cleaner

  8. Christian Rusby||#8


    首先 - 获取前装载洗衣机。尽管有一些抱怨,但仍有许多出色的型号开始出现在转售市场上(150-500美元),并且它们的确将干燥时间几乎减少了一半 - 我们的55%。

    其次 - 我住在西雅图,在冷却季节中,每年约4个月都可以干燥,因此干衣机产生的额外热量没有任何问题。在大量抗议之后,我尝试了线条干燥,并经过了几次负担后的convert依。在冷却季节中排队干燥,当您必须再次开始使用干燥时,您将感到失望。

    Finally--I found that creating a closed loop between the dehumidifier and the dryer using simple metal ductwork and foil tape, I was able to dry my clothes using about 60% of the energy of a normal dryer cycle. It would be much more energy savings but the motor in the dryer uses around 1700 watts to turn the drum and blow the air around. That really doesn't matter anymore because the beauty of a closed loop system is that the extra energy provides a significant amount of space heating in the small tight house where I live.


  9. Lynne Meyer||#9

    Living in Hawaii, I am able to line dry year round. My only challenge comes when we have rain for a few days. For those occasions, I have lines under the porch that I use (I also hang sun sensitive colored clothes there).

    I hate to say it, but there are few like me down here. With one of the nation's highest electricity rates, you'd think that would not be the case. Unfortunately, it is.

  10. Cajus Pruin||#10

    Dryer on heating pump basis
    We actually bought a new dryer that is an condensing dryer based on a heating pump system. This you can get from Siemens and it needs less than a quarter of energy a regular condensing dryer needs. A good and sustainable investment i think. (For drying 7kg clothes it needs abt. 1.4kWh)

  11. Erica Sparhawk||#11

    Love my clothesline!

  12. 约翰·塞梅尔哈克(John Semmelhack)||#12

    Heat pump condensing dryers

    我没有意识到热泵干燥机在市场上。。。我只知道它们的概念形式。从您提到的“ 7kg”和“ 1.4kWh”来看,我认为您不在美国吗?1.4kWh的7kg负载比标准干衣机低50%!太棒了。您在哪里购买/安装您的?

  13. Ben||#13

    Air drying.
    I've been using a drying rack in my studio apartment here in Seattle for a couple of months now. It is definitely saving me money not having to use the coin-op laundry in the basement. I am also a big fan of the environmental benefits. I've been skeptical of laundry racks in the past as I don't have much floor space to spare, but I found a really cool one that is made locally here that attaches to a window. It keeps the laundry out of the way, and I don't have to mount anything permanently. Their website is

  14. Cajus Pruin||#14

    Heat pump condensing dryer

    i am from Germany, and the product is on the market for nearly a year now. You are right, it is nealy 50% off the power a "normal" pruct needs, that was our reason to give that much money (abt. €1.200).

    Greeting from Hamburg, Northern Gernamy
    Cajus Pruin

  15. Philippa Richard||#15

    Air drying and dehumdifier
    我的问题是在夏天下雨。然后,事情永远在室内,我不能把它们放在外面。我现在有解决方案 - 一个小的除湿机单元。我只需要稍微运行一点就可以使干燥所有。

  16. skidmark||#16

    Shallow-depth, Stackable and High-Efficiency?

    谁能推荐一个好的洗衣机/干衣机,可以吗stack in such a shallow space?

    On a related question, has anyone installed a filter on the washer drain to keep all of that lint out of their septic field?


  17. Alex Wilson||#17

    On air drying with a dehumidifier
    Your solution seems like an inefficient one to me. You're basically spending electricity to transfer some of the water from your clothes to the dehumidifier reservoir instead of drying the closes with a clothes dryer and sending that moisture outside through the dryer vent. If this is a solution being used only occasionally, that's probably fine. If it's something you plan to do for half the year, I think you should reconsider buying a small dryer.


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