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Energy Solutions

Efficient Cooking


Which is better: a gas or electric range? Most serious cooks prefer gas, because it delivers heat instantly and is highly controllable. With typical electric cooktops, it takes longer for the burner to respond when turned on and when the setting is adjusted.

我曾经在煤气营地里。但是我大约20年前就转向了电动,当时我的两个女儿还很年轻,我对电动烹饪的令人满意感到惊讶。我的决定是由我在1980年代阅读的研究推动了我关于家庭中呼吸气体燃烧产品可能产生的长期影响的,尤其是儿童的。担忧包括哮喘,其他呼吸道疾病,甚至(一些研究)对心理发展和智力的影响。因此,出于健康原因,我选择了电动范围。但是能量性能如何比较?这实际上很有趣 - 至少对于能量极客来说!

当我们比较气体和电气时空间加热,气体本质上更有效 -如果我们考虑公用事业公司用于发电的“来源能源”。但是,如果我们仅考虑用于供暖的“现场能量”,则电力在顶部,因为进入加热元件的100%的功率被转化为热量。通过烹饪,这更加复杂,因为我们必须考虑从热源(气火或电元素)中的热传递到正在烹饪的食物中,以及实际上没有造成烹饪的能量。

借助燃气灶具,事实证明,库汽油的许多能量含量没有转移到食物上,因此烹饪效率相当低:约40%,而电气的烹饪效率为74%,据劳伦斯·伯克利国家(Lawrence Berkeley National)的一项研究实验室(LBNL)。如果燃气灶具具有试点灯,则大约一半的年能量使用是用于飞行员的,因此“能量因子”(效率的年度量度)通常小于20%。平滑的电炉比较旧式的电螺旋元件效率更高,但差异通常小于1%。



A standard electric oven has a cooking efficiency of about 12%, according to the LBNL study, while a self-cleaning electric oven, which has more insulation in the oven case, has a cooking efficiency of about 14%. By comparison, standard gas ovens have cooking efficiencies of about 6% and self-cleaning models 7%. If the self-cleaning feature is used frequently in an oven, the Energy Factor drops, due to the energy use for self-cleaning. The electric clocks in both gas and electric ovens can significantly worsen the annual energy factor, since they consume an average of 4 watts and operate all the time. Pilot lights on old gas ovens dramatically reduce the annual energy factor.


In other words, gas ovens may actually use more electricity than electric microwave ovens. And during a power outage, most gas ovens won’t operate at all (though gas cooktops can be used if started manually).


  • Buy a self-cleaning oven, but minimize use of the self-cleaning feature.

  • Buy a convection oven, which allows cooking at a lower temperature because the heat is more uniformly distributed.
  • Avoid buying an old gas range, cooktop, or oven that has a pilot light (pilot lights are no longer included on new cooking equipment)
  • Use a microwave oven for reheating food and for cooking when practical
  • 使用慢炖锅(锅或类似设备)作为炖菜,汤和其他烹饪可行的菜肴;用独立的米饭用米饭。
  • 使用电动灶具,将元素直径与锅或锅匹配。在8英寸元件上使用6英寸的锅会浪费40%的能量。
  • With an electric cooktop, make sure your pots and pans have flat bottoms to maximize heat transfer.
  • Keep your stove and oven clean to improve performance.
  • Defrost foods before cooking to reduce cooking time and energy use, unless cooking instructions suggest otherwise.
  • Optimize your cooking—for example, by cooking larger portions that can be used for several meals—and then reheat in a microwave oven as needed.
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  1. Dudley||#1

    Running the stove hood whenever using a gas oven can help remove unwanted water vapor and other combustion products from a home. I have been told that in some communities the hood fan .must automatically start when lighting a gas oven. Depending on what you are cooking and how you are cooking it, it is a good idea to use the stove hood fan even if you have an electric oven. But with a gas oven, just the water vapor from combustion can be a challenge in a tight home and even "clean-burning" gas is only relatively clean. When using a gas stove, the hood fan should ALWAYS be used and running the fan motor and conditioning the "make-up" air that replaces the exhausted air require additional energy if active space heating or cooling is happening. This additional use of energy further decreases the efficiency of a gas stove's function.

  2. DJ||#2

    我有一个魔术厨师陶瓷上衣。它会保持带有F1代码的蜂鸣声。我一次更换了电路,但仅持续了一年。因此,我目前将电源关闭到炉子上。这有一个额外的好处:减少电力,我学会了使用其他方法。我用烤架和锅。夏天,我将它们带到外面,所以我不会加热房子。当我确实需要烤箱时,我会打开电源,然后分批煮并冷冻。我将尽可能延迟购买新炉子。现在是一个挑战/比赛。 :-)

    我不需要的东西。我只是需要热量。Ever try to find an appliance with few electronics. I thought my expensive Magic Chef would last me 20 years or more, like my parents appliances. But, I was told that the life span of a stove is 10 years now. Things might be less expensive upfront or have more bells and whistles, but maintenance is more, and the life span is less.

  3. 切尔西霍德||#3

    I'm surprised there's no discussion here of double ovens. Using the smaller oven in a double oven (which I assume ~80% of people could do ~80% of the time they're using their oven) seems likely to use significantly less energy than using the oven in a single-oven range/oven. Hope GBA can confirm!




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