Image Credit: Ecovative Design
Image Credit: Ecovative Design Mushroom insulation grown in place. This is what it looks like after the mycelium has done done its thing.
Image Credit: Ecovative Design Mushroom insulation in board form. Ecovative Design has plans to use their process to make green replacements for plastic foam insulation, structural insulated panels, acoustical tiles, medium density fiberboard (MDF), particle board, adhesive, and engineered wood.
Image Credit: Ecovative Design
Wow! If you’re looking for a super green insulation, mushroom insulation could be for you… if you can wait a bit longer.
How mushroom materials science got its start
I first heard about this a while back when I saw a TED Talk by Eben Bayer,蘑菇是新塑料吗?While studying engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Bayer and his classmate, Gavin McIntyre, came up with the idea of usingmycelium,white vegetative strands of fungus you find under logs, to grow materials that could replace plastics.
They’ve gotten a lot of great media coverage, and I recently read areally nice article in theNew Yorkerabout them. According to that piece, the two young engineers worked on developing their idea in their senior year at RPI and then took it full time into a business incubator upon graduation. The challenges were numerous, as they experimented with different varieties of mycelium and substrates. But, along with starting a few fires in their lab, they persisted and promoted and had some good help from advisers who saw the potential of their idea.
At first they used grants and the winnings from competitions to finance the company. One of those competitions was the Postcode Lottery Green Challenge, which gives a huge chunk of money (~$700,000) to the business with the best idea for reducing CO2 emissions. They entered in 2008 and won.
They decided that using their materials as a replacement for packaging was the most marketable direction to go, so mushroom insulation got put on hold for a while. They’ve since picked it back up, and their focus has been on building tiny houses and growing the insulation in the assemblies. They’ve got a nice blog about the project, and it’s called — you guessed it —Mushroom Tiny House。你会发现有一个很好的小视频解释how they make insulation from mushrooms。
I recently spoke with Sam Harrington of透析设计该公司始于拜耳和麦金塔尔,并挖掘他们正在使用的地方。首先计划是生长可用于以董事会形式使用的绝缘材料structural insulated panels(SIPs). The mushroom tiny house is basically a grown-in-place SIP.
Harrington said they’re benchmarking their product against extruded polystyrene (XPS). The advantages are that it uses natural materials, doesn’t have the global warming issues associated with the blowing agents in foam insulation, and has much lower embodied energy. The main drawback is the lower R-value. XPS is about 5 per inch, and mushroom insulation ranges from 1.8 to 4 per inch, with the typical material coming in at about 3 per inch. That means that your walls are going to have to be thicker with mushroom insulation.
他们的长期计划包括replac使用它e as many environmentally-harmful materials as possible: plastic foam, acoustical tiles, medium density fiberboard (MDF), particle board, adhesive, and engineered wood. One advantage of their materials is that the mycelium is their adhesive, so they don’t have to use the stuff with nasty volatile organic compounds (VOCs). That means better indoor air quality.
But wait, I hear you asking, what about the IAQ problems of having fungus and spores and who knows what from the oat hulls and wheat chaff substrate? Ah, but there are no spores. They’re using mycelium only. And although they call it mushroom insulation, you’ll see no mushrooms sprouting from the walls. The substrates used as the filler material that the mycelium feeds on and weaves together are sterilized to prevent other organisms from growing. Then, once the mushroom insulation has finished growing, they hit it with steam to stop the growth.
Get ready for mushroom insulation
None of the mushroom insulation products is ready for market yet. If you’re an early adopter, Ecovative Design istaking pre-orders。(根据他们的博客,费用为每杆脚部约0.66美元。)为了获得蘑菇板隔热,啜饮或正在进行的其他材料的货物,您需要等一下。
Whentheir building productsenter the market, I hope they can scale it up so that the cost is competitive with the other materials out there. It’s also going to be important for them to do enough R&D to reduce the number and severity of problems that new products so often have.
Yeah, it’s still fairly early in the development of mushroom insulation, but I’m excited to see this material getting ready to enter the building products market. When it does, it may well be the greenest insulation available.
Allison Bailesof Decatur, Georgia, is a speaker, writer, energy consultant, RESNET-certified trainer, and the author of the能源先锋博客。You can follow him on Twitter at@EnergyVanguard。
Given the speed of biological processes...
。。。I'm having a hard time figuring out how they'll be able to scale this up to high volume production.
The feedstocks are bulky (requires storage real estate), and the process itself is probably measured in days or weeks (which takes a lot of processing real-estate to do in high volume.) The material costs are low, and it's pretty cool stuff, but the manufacturing space issue seems really daunting to this casual observer.
I'm also wondering if it would be possible to manufacture it in large blocks, then sawed to reasonably tight dimensional tolerances, or if there are any issues with dimensional changes over decade timescales (as we've seen with polystyrene foam insulation)??
或mayhaps the "manufactured in place" model of the Mushroom Tiny House is expected to become scalable to full-sized multi story buildings or modules? The MTH has a lot of thermal bridging from framing elements, but can the insulation itself become reliably structural, to minimize the thermal bridging problem? At ~R3 nominal per inch, it would take something like 8+ inches to hit US climate zone 5 code-min performance with the thermal bridging included, but 5-6" if the thermal bridging can be reduced to about where it is with current SIP technology.
水分性能是另一个大问题标记 - MTH在Grace冰和水中包装,将真正的蒸气屏障放在建筑物的外部,这可能在它的VT位置中具有一些严重的长期问题。
A great product idea - although I would like to see the whole life cycle cost and trade offs, nothing is 'free' - I just don't see a large scale building potential.
That and growing the medium in intricate objects for which spray foam is damaging. Maybe grow this stuff in the gap in between windows and building structure.
Sadly most oil based products use 'leftovers' of oil production, and as long as we are sucking down the gas and diesel, oil based resins will be near impossible to beat on price, just in the scope of the scale of the operations.
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