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Kitchen Renovation

Remodeler Josh Oduin describes plans for an outdated kitchen

In this episode ofJob-Site Diaries, remodeler Josh Oduin walks us through his plans for renovating an outdated 1990s kitchen. They include making cabinets more accessible, using modern materials, and moving the cooktop and range hood to a better location.

More on kitchen remodels:

10 Things to Consider When Remodeling a KitchenAn updated kitchen can add value and functionality to a house, but the remodeling process can feel daunting. Considering these 10 items early on can help ensure a more successful and speedy remodel.

Kitchen Renovation—From Concept to CompletionDesigner John Kelsey explains his firm’s approach to renovating this dated and awkward kitchen.

From Kitchen Refresh to Extensive RenovationWhen a kitchen remodel grew in scope, the entire first floor was reconfigured for graceful aging in place and hosting visiting relatives.


Josh Oduin is a remodeler based in Portland, Oregon.


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