Confused about continuous insulation in Climate Zone 5

I’m planning a home in zone 5 (northern Utah). I’m so confused by all the differing opinions on how the wall assembly and different barriers should be installed. And I’m definitely not getting much help from my general, or his insulation or exterior subs. He’s definitely for trying out exterior insulation, and understanding the thermal break it can create, but he doesn’t even know his EPS from his XPS from his PolyIso. The insulation guy was somewhat helpful, but his expertise mainly lies with inside-the-wall insulation. The exterior guy was basically pretty whiny, first asking “why would you even do that when you can just do better insulation on the inside?’, and then complaining that his fasteners for Hardie Board (the house is primarily Hardie, with a few minor sections of thin-brick veneer) aren’t even long enough. I don’t know if Utah is just a somewhat unique climate having somewhat extreme summers and winters (near-zero for several days and a few weeks of teens in the winter; a one to three weeks of 100+ in the summer, and very very dry around here). But I’m hard pressed to find anyone locally to do anything outside of the ordinary. The only thing that there was no argument about was 2×6 exterior walls. But I’ve never seen a home around here built with exterior foam board, and never any foundation insulation.
Anyhow, after doing lots and lots of reading, my current personal design idea is:
* 1″ EPS
* WRB (just regular Tyvek)
* 1/2″ OSB sheathing
* 2×6 walls, insulated with flash-and-batt of 1″ closed cell spray foam, followed by blow-in-blanket fiberglass ( filling out the rest.
My questions are:
* Is the location of the WRB in the correct spot? Do I need any other air/water/vapor barriers?
* Should I avoid the closed cell spray foam, as it adds an additional barrier?
*关于固定壁板,我发现了一张硬皮板的音符,该记录是在> 1英寸的护套 +泡沫中使用毛茸茸的条,然后将硬质板连接到毛茸茸的条上。我敢肯定,外部人会发牢骚,但很艰难。
* What about the thin-brick veneer. Can that attach directly to the EPS? Or do I need to do furring strips, and then an additional backer-board to give it a smooth surface?
GBA Detail Library

Q. "Some articles give a strict rule that the exterior foam thickness needs to be calculated so that the inside edge of the foam will never be below the dew point, even going so far as a strict ratio of interior insulation to exterior insulation. Is this really as big of a deal with EPS that's more permeable than say PolyIso?"
A. Yes, you need to follow the rules if you hope to avoid damp OSB sheathing. Even 1 inch of EPS will reduce the rate of outward drying enough to put you in the danger zone. The solution is simple: follow the rules, and install a minimum of R-7.5 of exterior rigid foam. To learn the rules, as well as the logic behind the rules, read this article:Calculating the Minimum Thickness of Rigid Foam Sheathing.
Q. "Is the location of the WRB in the correct spot?"
答:(阅读本文Where Does the Housewrap Go?
Q. "Do I need any other air/water/vapor barriers?"
答:每堵墙都需要空气屏障。您不能购买空气屏障 - 您必须创建它。更多信息在这里:Questions and Answers About Air Barriers.
A. Yes. If you are installing exterior rigid foam, the spray foam between the studs is unnecessary, expensive, and damaging to the environment. For more information on this issue, see these two articles:
Q. "What about the thin-brick veneer? Can that attach directly to the EPS?"
Thanks for the reply. Sorry, I just signed up and couldn't see where to put my name. It's Cody Cutrer. I think I have it set in my profile now.
We used a combination of Hardie Board and brick veneer over 2" of graphite infused EPS. Furring strips were used behind the Hardie Board but not behind the brick. Attaching the furring strips required the contractor to procure a different type of fastener than they normally used, but it was readily available.
Hi Cody,
I'm not a pro, just a DIYer/homeowner. First, I've learned tons in the 4 years I've been reading Gba. It is an amazing resource.
A few thoughts for you:
- 在镇上还是在树林/丛林中的地点?如果您在该国,请查看Roxul Comfort Board。比EPS更透气,易燃易燃。更多$。外部绝缘的技术指南,有很多细节
- if you are going to take risks with the insulation thickness, perhaps sheathing with plywood is a better choice? It is much more moisture durable and much more breathable under moist conditions. One blog about it:
- I love Gba but you might look at as a complementary resource. The videos on there vary from this old house garbage to videos actually showing tradespeople dealing with the challenges that more insulation brings, etc. You might reach a contractor via video vs using a PDF.
- 我没有使用ZIP系统产品(其他然后在室内尝试胶带……太臭了!),但是在Zip R(带有或没有皮带)上出售您的承包商可能比绝缘上的皮带更容易。一个PDF查看:
- You probably know that in your cold winter climate, polyiso is not a good solo exterior insulation due to blowing agent condensation (~-5F?). You can use it behind EPS or skip it.//