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SIP flat shed roof vent channel

qthisup|发布General Questions

Sorry another SIP roof question, I’ll try to be brief!
Having read a number of articles, namely (//
I am unclear if my low-slope application should have a vent channel above the SIP panels. My SIP supplier here says SIPS are always ‘cold’ roofs and to install a vented channel with furring strips and 3/4″ ply over the SIP panel but given my understand that flat roofs like this don’t vent properly (from Martin’s other flat roof articles), is this necessary? Or can I just adhere the EPDM to the SIP OSB?
- 位置是英国的SW海岸,我想说4C气候区,尽管冬季可能在现实中变暖
– Proposed 8″ SIP roof panels with EPDM rubber roof on top
– Roof is 1/12 mono pitch shed, 23ft wide by 14.5ft (this is a small holiday home)



Of course, if the consensus is that the SIP roof approach is risky, I could frame the roof ‘traditionally’, probably 2x8s, ply deck and 2″ of closed cell spray foam the underside balance filled with rockwall.

You advice greatly appreciated.

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  1. BrianPontolilo||#1


    You may find that there are many people in the GBA community who are not fans of SIPs, for various reasons from how tricky they can be to detail properly to unfortunate experiences with manufacturers. But that's not to say that they can't be an effective option.

    的确,低倾斜的屋顶不会像陡峭的屋顶那样发泄,但是在您的情况下,这不是建造通风口通道并添加额外屋顶甲板的原因。继续进行这项工作的原因是因为EPDM膜不允许SIPS干燥到外部。您可以使用应用于SIP OSB的透气膜,构建通风口通道并将EPDM应用于新的屋顶甲板,并假设您已经完成了所有必要的空气密封并很好地闪烁,则具有高效且健康的SIP屋顶。


    Here are a few links to try for more information that may be helpful:





    1. Jon_R||#4

      > EPDM membrane won't allow the SIPs to dry to the exterior.

      If you could block all airflow from the interior side, then EPDM (.43 perms if below is correct) would provide some drying to a 8" SIP (also about .43 perms). More important are the general concepts:

      a) the amount of drying needed is completely dependent on the amount of wetting

      1. Expert Member
        MALCOLM TAYLOR||#5

        Impermeable materials under 1 perm are classified as vapour barriers. How would you get any drying through something with a 0.43 perm?

  2. rockies63||#2

    I am planning on building a small cabin in western Canada using a SIP roof, and also a SIP floor
    (墙壁将是常规的棍子框架)。我的屋顶将在sip屋顶上方有一个冷屋顶,包括:外饮护套表面 - 所有接缝胶带,30磅的建筑纸,2x4毛茸茸的条,3/4“胶合板护套,火膜,站立的接缝金属屋顶。沿着河口和山脊沿着通风条带有通风条的简单棚设计。

    The other nice thing about a cold roof design is that it provides another layer of defense between the weather and the SIP sheathing. I am curious as to what breathable membrane Brian would recommend for the SIP sheathing surface.

    1. BrianPontolilo||#6

      Hi Scott,

      Here's one product that I know I've seen recommended by others on this forum and I know lots of builders and architects that speak highly of Siga products in general:

  3. qthisup||#3

    For what its worth, I got a detail from the SIP supplier today too, its in metric but same idea! Though I think the poly vapour barrier proposed here would be shunned upon based on what I've picked up from GBA articles.

    File format
  4. JackofAllTrades777||#7

    I used SIGA Majcoat on my low slope SIP roof.

    1. Expert Member



      1. JackofAllTrades777||#9


        Yes. The area and views are quite amazing. It's at 5,000 feet elevation in a Zone 4B climate. Lots of juniper and pinion pine. Deer, javelina, mountain lion, bobcats, badgers, even elk in the wintertime can be seen in the area.

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