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Air-Sealing a Tongue-and-Groove Ceiling

The homeowner will have to work from above in a cramped attic

这种舌头和沟槽天花板像筛子一样泄漏。Above, a skimpy layer of insulation compounds the problem. The owner is looking for advice on what to use as an air barrier before adding insulation. Photo courtesy Modulerics.


Before Modulerics adds more insulation to the area over the vaulted ceiling, he first needs to seal the tongue-and-groove ceiling against air leaks.

“So in the attic I’ve got a this whole area flat, no joists to work around,” he writes inthis recent Q&A post. “It currently has R-11 batts on top of it. I want to blow insulation in the whole attic. What’s the best way to air-seal the-tongue-and groove section?”

Among the options he sees is removing the insulation that’s already there and stapling or cap-nailing down a layer of Tyvek housewrap and taping the seams.

“It’s a low-slope roof, if that means anything,” Modulerics adds. “If I remove the batts, I should not reinstall them so I don’t trap moisture between the batting and the air barrier I put down, correct? Should I build dams and blow in cellulose?”

Or, Modulerics continues, he might simply add the housewrap over the batts already in place, creating what he calls “one big pillow,” and salvage whatever R-value the batts are providing.

That’s his situation. What should he do? That’s the question for this Q&A Spotlight.

Skip the housewrap


Spray foam is expensive, and…

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  1. Li Ling Young||#1

    Another approach: install drywall on the room side. Avoids the poor quality work that comes with working in cramped spaces. Embrace a new aesthetic and a brighter ceiling.

  2. Elisabeth Dubin||#2

    Question about the last two paragraphs -- the penultimate paragraph recommends a vapor-closed air barrier, and the last paragraphs suggests peeling off the vapor retarder. Why wouldn't you just lay the batts with the vapor retarding side faced down, since you just added a vapor barrier at that location anyway?

  3. Luke_P||#3





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