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追踪性能问题就是要使建筑科学正确 - 遵循拼图游戏的规则

Image 1 of 2
This Northeastern home had a mold problem in the attic.我使用所有者发送的数据远程解决了问题。我必须努力工作,以确保没有丢失的作品。
图片来源:图像#1和#2:Peter Yost
This Northeastern home had a mold problem in the attic.我使用所有者发送的数据远程解决了问题。我必须努力工作,以确保没有丢失的作品。
图片来源:图像#1和#2:Peter Yost
A home inspector told my client that this mold in her attic was the result of insufficient ventilation. But the pattern is targeted and distinct, not generalized throughout the attic. This sure looked like the result of an air leak to me, as indeed it turned out to be.


First, you understand how heat and moisture move through building assemblies. Second, you follow the advice of your spouse.

My wife of 27 years is a real master at jigsaw puzzles, and she would laugh to learn that I think of myself as a puzzle master of any sort, since I am useless at the jigsaw ones. But she completely agrees that I should use her method of solving jigsaw puzzles in my work on building science problems.



  • Jigsaw:确保您拥有所有的拼图。
  • 建筑科学:确保您拥有有关建筑物和问题所需的所有信息。

It’s almost funny how hard it can be to get folks to provide complete information; many want to stay focused on the expression of the problem and not “waste time” on full context. The easiest way to get the puzzle wrong is to “solve” it without all the pieces.


  • Jigsaw:将所有边缘零件分开,然后组装它们以完成拼图边框。
  • 建筑科学:使用有关建筑物的完整信息来建立边界条件。


Can you imagine doing a jigsaw puzzle while blindfolded? Surprisingly, I have completed quite a few building science puzzles without ever visiting the project. I can only do this when I have confidence in the client’s abilities and willingness to send lots of images and accurate measurements.

Step 3: Find patterns

  • Jigsaw:Group interior puzzle pieces by colors and patterns.
  • 建筑科学:Use the puzzle clues to characterize heat and moisture flows.

Invariably, the client wants to focus on the spot where the moisture problem is being expressed. But you need to start with finding the source of the moisture. The pattern of the moisture expression can be linked to the wetting mechanism — bulk water, wicking, air leaks, or diffusion. The pattern could be visual or based on multiple measurements.

Step 4: Zoom out

  • Jigsaw:Flip back and forth from focused detail to big picture puzzling.
  • 建筑科学:Switch between building-level to site- and climate-level considerations.

No matter where you have set the boundary conditions for each project, it’s a good idea to step back and consider what role, if any, the site or climate could play in the building science puzzle.


  • Jigsaw:Use the picture on the box. (It’s not cheating!)
  • 建筑科学:将手头的难题与您解决的类似难题进行比较。


  • Jigsaw:品尝最后一块。
  • 建筑科学:The real last piece is finding the source.

可以在不识别其来源的情况下“解决”建筑科学难题。But if that’s your approach, there is always one missing piece at the end, and that should drive you crazy till you drop it in. It’s also what keeps you from being called back days, months, or even years later by a less-than-happy client.

在照片中所示的房子的顶部page, there were two distinct mold blooms that exactly coincided with uninsulated and un-air-sealed kneewall doors (see Image #2, below). We “solved” the problem of warm, moist air leaking into the attic through these doors during the winter by doing a blower door-guided air-sealing package for the whole home.

But the mold spots in the attic were pretty intense, so I thought I should follow up with the homeowner about interior relative humidity levels during the winter. They intentionally maintain it at about 55%. I was shocked: that’s very high for winter in their climate.


I savored fitting that last piece into place.

In addition to acting as GBA’s technical director, Peter Yost is the Vice President for Technical Services atBuildingGreen在佛蒙特州的布拉特伯勒。他一直在建造,研究,教学,写作和咨询高性能房屋已有二十多年了。他是一位经验丰富的培训师和顾问,被公认为是年度NAHB教育家。您有建筑科学难题吗?在这里联系皮特。你也可以注册BuildingGreen的电子邮件新闻通讯获取有关避免有毒绝缘材料以及彼得的常规帖子的免费报告。


  1. Expert Member
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#1



    Keeping a house at 55% RH all winter in a colder climate will raise the springtime mold spore counts by quite a bit, due to the increased moisture content of the structure, which becomes an aggravating factor for asthma and those allergic to molds.

  2. 保罗·埃尔德伦坎普(Paul Eldrenkamp)||#2


    It sounds like you mostly put together puzzles that are fresh from the store shelf, with the shrink wrap still on the box at the beginning. Maybe it's just that I'm not as good at assembling the pieces as you are, but the building science puzzles I deal with don't seem as neat and tidy as yours. I seem to deal with more puzzles that are missing pieces, that have pieces from other puzzles mixed in, that are missing the box cover with the picture on it. I often don't get the satisfaction of putting that last piece in. So we frequently have to make a guess at the root cause, implement some measures that we're pretty sure will mitigate the symptoms, and monitor the results to see if we guessed well enough. Not nearly as fun as your analogy.


  3. DonY||#3


  4. Expert Member

    达纳,事实上你是正确的, I spent some time with the client on this issue and the need to avoid RH this high. They were not really set on that number; it's just that as they don't air condition in the summer, that RH seemed to work best year round for their instruments, as an approximate target. And the hygrometer they were using was not all that accurate, as it turns out so they were plus or minus 5% (and yes, PLUS 5 would not be good) anyway.

  5. Expert Member

    I like the way that you have improved the analogy of jig saw and building science puzzles, Paul. Yeah, rarely if ever this tidy.

    I did leave some "pieces" out: like the fact that the home inspector took a look at the attic and told the client that the mold was the result of too little attic ventilation, recommending a gable end exhaust fan to increase ventilation. And yes, that would have made the air leakage and mold WORSE! Or the unusual pattern of lichen and moss on the north side of the home, which I thought might correlate to the location of the attic mold blooms but turned out to be related to the leaching of zinc from the chimney flashing.





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