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我们在北极没有太多的冰筑坝问题因为我们在北极没有太多的雪。你可能会想,“等等,整个北极都是雪!”是的,但它已经在那里很久很久了。纽约锡拉丘兹的降雪量比阿拉斯加巴罗的降雪量还要多。是10的倍数,这是一个很大的数字。如果有人把你的薪水乘以10,你就会注意到。不管怎样,你需要雪。假设有雪。雪多少?屋顶上四五英寸厚的积雪引起了我的注意。 That’s prime ice damming conditions.



冰在木瓦上方几毫米处形成。你有一个排水通道,它会在底部填满并冻结。这就是静水压力累积的时候,这些东西会喷射到屋顶里面。所以,筑冰坝是第一要务。你需要担心的第二点是什么?在冬天,你不仅会获得热量,还会获得湿气,而湿气会流向最冷的表面:指甲。钉子先结霜了。下一个最冷的表面是屋顶甲板。它会变湿,但是在钉完钉子后屋顶甲板会变湿。桁架顶部的和弦通常保持干燥,因为它们比屋顶的温度高1到2度。 When you get rot or decay, it’s the sheathing that rots, not the structural elements.


旧家伙制造了屋顶的边缘,使雪可以滑落。这是非常有效的技术,除了地面上的人。但这比试图融化吸盘更能节能。临界区域位于边缘,因为这是大坝形式的地方 - 所以保持温暖,以摆脱雪。在Aspen可以使用能量来融化屋顶上的雪,因为能量是由风电场创造的。争论的争论是多么愚蠢......一些建筑商防止了屋顶的地狱,因为他们不理解冰镐。它们在整个屋顶上放了绝对完美的膜。有用。但是,冰水坝变得非常大而且非常沉重。当它落下时,它可以杀了你。 And if it doesn’t kill you, it rips off the deck. There are always reports of a heavy ice dam falling off a roof, taking a soffit or fascia or gutter with it, and knocking a big hole in a deck or knocking a balcony off. So, you have to consider the structural issues associated with ice damming, not just the water leakage issues.

如果你问我在屋顶上涂上薄膜是不是个好主意,答案是肯定的。但你只是治标不治本。这张图显示了雪与密度的r值。雪的r值是每英寸R-1到R-2,取决于密度。作为一个加拿大人,我知道这一点,因为我们都住在冰屋里。如果屋顶上有10英寸厚的雪,雪的热阻介于R-10和R-20之间。这是一个令人眩目的洞见,一个啊哈时刻:屋顶上的雪越多,屋顶平台就越温暖。屋顶平台温度越高,就越有可能结冰。由于雪的热阻,冰筑坝会随着雪的厚度而增加。这真的是件大事。 Hold that thought. Let’s say I build an R-60 unvented roof. Surely there’s enough thermal resistance in that roof that I’ll never have to worry about ice damming. If I have 10 inches of snow on that roof, and the R-value of it is R-20, I’ve got R-20 on top of R-60, and the interface between the snow and the roof deck will be above 32 degrees. I’m going to get an ice dam. If it’s Vermont, and I’ve got 2 inches of ice on this perfectly constructed, absolutely airtight R-60 roof—the point is that you can’t rely on insulation alone to control ice damming in high-snow-load areas. But you can rely on insulation alone to control ice damming in non-high-snow-load areas. The old guys have figured out where the high- and non-high-snow-load areas are. The best of the best of the old guys was the Army Corps of Engineers Cold Regions Research Lab.


然后我有R-20。如果外部温度为0度,内部温度为70度,则屋顶甲板和雪之间的界面是32度。即使在带有R-10雪的R-50,我仍然会有冰镐。你有很多雪 - 即使你有很多绝缘,天花板是气密的 - 你仍然可以获得冰大坝。现在,怎么来,当它变得真的很冷时,我不再有冰大坝?嗯,屋顶甲板温度降至32以下,冰坝时刻消失。在每平方英尺的地面雪负荷少于50磅的区域,并且有很多保温和密闭屋顶,你可以笑冰坝潜力。让我们看看另一个冰坝。外面的25华氏度是25华氏度,太阳出来并在你建筑的西南部闪耀。包层的温度是多少?

大约45至50度 - 更高,较深的包层。黑暗的包层很热,与黑暗包层相邻的空气的温度是多少?热的!那个温暖的空气去哪里?向上,右转进入拱门通风口。Soffit通风收集加热的空气,使其熔化雪并造成甚至更大的冰水坝。我告诉你一个通风的阁楼可以导致冰大坝。这不可能是真的。我不告诉你什么?这取决于Soffit发泄所在的位置。 If 95 percent of the air going into that vent is the heated air adjacent to the cladding, I have a real problem. But if 50 percent of the air going into the soffit vent is cold air, then I don’t have a problem. What we don’t know is the mixing ratio of the free-stream air to the air that is solar heated. That mixing ratio depends on the geometry of the roof overhang. So, where do you want to locate the soffit vent? As close to the fascia as possible—and not only that, but in high-snow-load areas, you’ll want to insulate the soffit. Insulate the soffit and push the air inlet to the outside perimeter to handle this problem. This is a real big deal with big overhangs. We want to insulate big overhangs on the underside and push the air inlet to the outside edge. This is a real problem if you’re building in ski resorts. The lodge on the top of Ajax in Aspen is a LEED-award-winning building, so it doesn’t work. It faces south. The sun shines on the overhang and melts the snow, so the snow keeps sliding down and they can’t use the front of the building. They couldn’t relocate the entrance, so their temporary solution was to hire ski bums to shovel snow off the roof. You don’t want them to hack the ice off a roof—not only will they remove the ice, but also other parts of the roof. The alternative technology is to put a vented over-roof over the top of an unvented roof, and introduce the air at a fascia. If someone asked me what’s the best way to build an ice-dam-controlled roof in a high-snow-load area, I would say build an R-50 to R-60 unvented roof and then put a vented over-roof over the top of the unvented roof and introduce the air at the fascia. They would say, “The ridge vent is covered with freakin’ snow!” Well, snow is not an air barrier.






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