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Building Science


Here are a few basic principles that many people don’t understand

Image 1 of 3
This ceiling fan with short bladesmay be cute, but it's not your best choice if you want a fan that moves air.
Image Credit: Alexander Bell
This ceiling fan with short bladesmay be cute, but it's not your best choice if you want a fan that moves air.
Image Credit: Alexander Bell
Image Credit: Alexander Bell
一个吊扇效率标签,显示每瓦的电力106 CFM的效率标签
Image Credit: Energy Vanguard

Here we are in the middle of air conditioning season. So why don’t we chop down some myths and misconceptions about ceiling fans?

What got me on to this topic was a video of a fan with blades that hide on top of the fan when the fan is turned off. Sounds clever, but it’s a ridiculous idea.

Anyway, here are seven things about ceiling fans that a lot of people seem not to know.

1. Ceiling fans heat the room

Yes, a ceiling fan is a cooling device. (See point number 2 below.) But its effect on the room it’s in is to add heat. Why? Because electric motors are devices that turn electrical energy into mechanical energy, most of which ends up as heat. The infrared photo reproduced as Image #2 (below) shows a ceiling fan motor that’s hotter than the room it’s in. From thesecond law of thermodynamics, we know where that heat is going — into the cooler room.

The net result of running a ceiling fan is that you’re adding heat to the room.

2. Ceiling fans cool people

Ceiling fans are useful for cooling only when they move air over skin. They cool our bodies two ways: by aiding evaporative cooling and by aiding convective cooling. If the air movement created by a ceiling fan isn’t hitting anyone’s skin, it’s just making the space warmer with no cooling benefit.

3. A fan’s efficacy tells you how well it moves air

这些天在美国出售的每个新吊扇都是标记有功效。(Efficacy is an efficiency rating wherethe output and input quantities have different units。一个好的风扇会为您每瓦超过100 cfm提供。贫穷的人可能低至每瓦30 cfm。


4. Bigger is better with ceiling fans

While you’re checking those labels, you may notice a correlation. Thefans with the longest blades have the highest efficaciesand those with the shortest blades have the lowest. That’s why the company Big Ass Fans makes big ass fans.

And it’s why you’ll want to avoid the little short-blade fans, no matter how cute, if you’re interested in air flow. If you just want cute, though, go ahead.

5. Lower speeds are more efficient




Martin Holladay covered this inhis ceiling fan article from 2010, but it’s worth reviewing. If you don’t have air conditioning at all, having some kind of fans can preserve your sanity. You get to keep cool for a relatively low cost.


In 1996, the Florida Solar Energy Center (FSEC) did a study of homes with ceiling fans. They found that even though the fans ran more than half the day in the test homes, they saw no difference in thermostat setpoints in homes with ceiling fans compared to homes without.




So relax! You won’t get your head chopped off by a (normal) ceiling fan. But you can certainly use more energy and make your home warmer by using one.

Oh, and that fan with the nesting blades is a ridiculous idea because it has two problems: The blades have to be short to be able to nest together on top of the motor, and the blades are designed for nesting, not moving air. If you don’t like the looks of a ceiling fan, that’s fine. But why even have something like this at all if it’s not going to move much air?

Allison Bailesof Decatur, Georgia, is a speaker, writer, building science consultant, and the author of theEnergy Vanguard Blog。You can follow him on Twitter at@EnergyVanguard


  1. 先锋制造商||#1

    Ceiling fan in a large vault
    我们定期构建房屋大金库the great room, dining room, kitchen areas, and we are 100% using mini-split systems. One concerns we've had is the area in the vault getting stale, so we've installed ceiling fans to move the air around. Any thoughts on this? In other words, it isn't about the air touching the skin for evaporative/conductive effect, just air sterility (if that's a word that can be applied here).

  2. user-2310254||#2


  3. this_page_left_blank||#3

    air sterlility

  4. this_page_left_blank||#4

    fan with nesting blades

  5. Expert Member
    达娜·多塞特(Dana Dorsett)||#5

    Is stale air even a problem for a vaulted ceiling?
    The relative humidity (RH) of the hot air in the vaulted ceiling is lower than the cooler stratified air near the floor. Mixing it up increases the cooling load by raising the temperature near the floor where the humans are.

    What problems are being avoided by circulating/purging that warm stagnating air near the ceiling?

  6. GBA编辑
    Allison A. Bailes III, PhD||#6

    Trevor, here's a video of the fan I mentioned:

  7. STCook||#7

    Lets give a shout out to the newer DC motor ceiling fans that are available. The Emerson ECO line, as one example, is as high as high as 355 CFM/Watt which is quite high for a ceiling fan.


  8. 删除||#8


  9. GBA编辑
    Martin Holladay||#9

    实际上,所有电流都会通过设备降低加热而绘制的所有电流 - 如果设备在室内,则设备正在加热您的房屋。如果是50瓦的风扇,则每当打开时,它会在房间中加入50瓦的热量,而不是10瓦的热量。




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